Imagine you encounter malpractices in corporate policy which you find unacceptable as a supervisor or manager. Tax evasion, non-compliance with the environmental protection rules and other malpractices in corporate policy can have serious negative consequences for a company’s general interest. If you come across such a situation as an individual employee, it is far from evident to address it on your own.

A well-functioning social dialogue makes it possible to report malpractices and raise suggestions for improvement within the company, but does not always suffice if management is not willing to intervene. When the dust has settled after a disaster or scandal, it often turns out that employees were aware of certain malpractices, but had not succeeded in effectively sounding the alarm bell. Because they were afraid of reprisals or had turned to the wrong people, or simply because their words went unheeded.

For many years, Eurocadres, the European trade union for professionals and executives, has been lobbying together with several NGOs for a legal framework for whistleblowers. In 2023, these efforts will finally come to fruition in Belgium too. The European directive requiring companies to provide whistleblowers with a transparent and secured channel will be transposed into Belgian national law. Companies with over 249 employees will be obliged to enable their staff to report malpractices in a secure and structured manner, e.g. in case of problems relating to product safety, public health, consumer protection, privacy or environmental protection.

Companies are thus obliged to intervene before damage is done to consumers, users, people living in the neighbourhood or society at large. Freelancers, volunteers, applicants and family members will also be able to make use of the channel. In this context, those who report malpractices should be protected against any negative consequences. In addition, the anonymity of the reporters should be guaranteed.

As a trade union, we wish to be involved in the social dialogue on the shaping of this channel. This way, employees will have a say in determining the most workable, safe and effective structure.

Have you asked yourself how you can safely denounce problems within your company or organisation? Would you like to exchange ideas about the best approach in confidence? At ACV, you come into contact with experts who think along with you.

Never Work Alone 2023 | Author: Lieveke Norga | Afbeelding: Shutterstock