Every morning at the breakfast table I have a direct view of three birdhouses, where agile couples of great and blue tits feed their nestlings at an unparalleled speed. Soon they will be ready to fly out into the wide world and I will hear no more of the persistent collective chirping.
In a similar fashion, every year I am faced with the questions emanating from the relentless stream of very young graduates in the large university halls of Leuven, Ghent, Hasselt, Antwerp… I observe how they, in groups, snicker and eagerly provide themselves with information that guides their steps towards their first job. Despite the virtual connection moments forced upon us by covid-19, we also advised them during these digital job fairs about their first salary, gave tips for completing a good job interview, on the layout of their CV, a self-employed career… Information as provisions for a well-filled backpack and a strong start.
With the same dedication, young people commence their first job whereupon a new, exciting career reality opens up. How eager one is to sign one’s first employment contract. How much one enjoys one’s first salary landing in the bank account allowing one’s dreams to become concrete plans. With again a list of questions and a great deal of searching. Is my wage calculation correct? What does this clause in my employment contract mean? Can I already take a few vacation days?
And the questions keep coming. How can I correctly switch to a mobility budget? How do I limit my working time for a healthy work-life balance? How do I improve my career opportunities? Our experts and your staff representative connect, listen, question and advise. They connect colleagues in the workplace, facilitate a collective discussion with the employer that leads to deliberate and correct agreements. In this way, trade union work offers you opportunities to further evolve and grow.
All of us remain fledglings throughout our lives: young birds, with feathers, that have flown out of the nest but are still being supplied. At every phase of our career, in every new job reality, in difficult situations we still need food to continue flying. We are happy to fly with you for a spell.